
When I was Younger :-I'd put my arms in myshirt and told peopleI lost my arms  Would restart the videogame whenever Iknew I was going to lose  Had that one pen withfour colors, and triedto push all the buttons atonceWaited behind a door toscare someone,then leaving becausethey're taking too longto come out.Faked being asleep, so Icould be carried tobedUsed to think that themoon followed...
What You Get When You beat the routine! Doing something strange and new - something you wouldn't normally do - like getting out of your daily routine or comfort zone seems weary and a huge strain. There's a lot of research on why it's so hard to break out of your 'comfort zone', and it's now proved to be a good idea to do it. With a little realization you too can do great things. How...


FIDE July 2013 – Top 100 Players...


As the title says - its all about Chess and my daily ramblings! Chess Journey Do you know why we get addicted to Chess slowly and gradually?  Its the human nature to solve puzzles whether in life or in any field of experience, be it the physical world or the deeply complex world....